IT enthusiastic.

Aurea Rodríguez, 44 years old, born in Tamaulipas, grew up in Tabasco and with more than 22 years working in Mexico City. Since I was a child I demonstrated a high level of energy in all I do. During the last 15 years I have worked to develop skills to administer tech teams and organizational resources.

With over 18 years of experience working with multicultural teams, primarily in LATAM and the USA, I have executed various projects using different technologies such as agile and waterfall. Areas like developing secure environments, building trust, practicing feedback, and diversity are topics I consistently work on.

The teams I have typically managed have primarily been in the infrastructure field, encompassing both cloud and legacy environments, and engaging in problem-solving activities for internal and/or external clients in domains such as compute, networking, dev pipelines, databases, etc. It has also been our goal to address chronic issues and toil identified through data analysis by means of automation or scripts.

As part of my hobbies and personal activities, I regularly engage with organizations focused on empowering women in tech. Anita Borg, Women in the automotive sector, Epic Queen , and Colectivo23 are some of the associations where I have given talks, mentored young women, or conducted technology-related courses.

Attitude & Execution

Self oriented to achieve results and self-motivated to perform daily activities
Propose potential ideas to get savings, productivity or manual reduction activities

Strategic Vision

I always try to be aligned to the global strategy and work in solid-paced steps


Aimed to identify proccesses to be automated and help to teamates and the organization to reduce manual activities and be more productive as a team


Self-organized, improvement every time to be more productive during my day, coordinating all my professional and personal activities

Work Experience

  • Engineering Manager - LYFT

    JUN 2020 - ONGOING

      * Defined roadmap, vision and lead the team to execute.
      * Increased the level of responsability based on the skills of the team.
      * Led the first line of support for 8 different teams such as compute, networking, local environment, logging, datastores and devpipelines.
      * Planned the onboarding for new areas to handle the support such as mobile team.
      * Identified, planned and executed automation projects based on identified chronic issues.

  • Head of Command Center Mexico - Citibanamex

    OCT 2020 - JUN 2022

      * Worked in the manager’s level of seniority to manage their teams through a growth mindset, positive leadership, and feedback.
      * Supported any initiative aimed to standarize, automate ir implement RPA tools.
      * Contributed to increase the maturity level of indicators, looking for a smarter implementation.
      * Reduced toil and adopt new SRE role according global CITI framework.
      * Influenced the team in how successful agile works, failing fast, learning and repeat.

  • IT Delivery Manager - IBM(AT&T)

    JAN 2019 - SEP 2020

      * Helped build Mexico team starting from scratch to 54 system administrators to collaborate as global team to support more than 140K servers.
      * Helped build KPIs for operations control using tools such as power BI, with the goal to achieve 95% of SLA.
      * Managed transition from AT&T to IBM people, taking care of organizational goals and people expectative.
      * Supprt and encourage people to adopt IBM culture and led them to develop and launch tecnnical leads position.

  • Founder - EASSYMO

    JAN 2016 - DEC 2017

      * Worked and built a team from scratch including development, QA, marketing, design and sales areas.
      * Created a strong networking in automotive industry, including startups, organizations, personalities inside and outside Mexico.
      * Developed a customers base such as Kavak.

  • IT Manager - FLOWSERVE

    JUN 2005 - MAY 2015

      * Managed IT department with more than 1000 employees.
      * Led more than 20 projects with mid and big size, some of them where LATAM implementations, working with multicultural teams.
      * Specialized in operational areas and its tools such as ERP, MRP, CRM, operational KPIs and QPIs. Data Analysis was done as a part of the main responsabilities
      * Managed vendors and internal areas (infraestructure, technical support, developers). Assure all projects depending of internal departments or vendors were delivered under the cost, time and scope planned


  • ITAM - Instituto Tecnológico Autonomo de México

    APR 2014 - DEC 2017

    Master in Information technology and Administration with Big Data

  • Cloud Practitioner - AWS



  • UDG - Universidad de Guadalajara

    JUL 2007 - DEC 2013

    Bs Information Technology

  • Scrum Study


    Scrum Master Certification

  • Axelos


    ITIL Foundations Certification

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Contact With Me

Below you can find my social network links,
I will be more than happy to know about you.